Eliminate Self-Defeating Thinking

There have been many changes in various industries the last several years. Mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcies have provided opportunities for some of you to grow, be promoted or increase your company’s profits. These changes have also subjected some of you to restructurings, demotions and even layoffs. During times of change, you probably experienced feelings of excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, fear or insecurity. You may also have seen, as I have, that such adjustments in the workplace often reveal or test a person’s character and integrity. I have seen many of you face such tests and you have conducted yourselves in a professional manner. I encourage you to continue to be men and women of strength and character. Along with this encouragement, I suggest you avoid the following self-defeating thoughts:

Other people made me the way I am. Your thoughts, feelings and choices are personal. You are the only person accountable for your character and attitude. When you blame others, the past or outside factors, you weaken yourself by building an invisible barrier that limits your desire and capacity to perform at your best.

Life is fair—good will always triumph. These thoughts emphasize fair play and justice. When your diligence and loyalty result in something less than that which is fair or just, you are disappointed or surprised. Your disappointment or surprise may render you immobile, resulting in lost opportunities and a failure to solve problems or experience other successes.

Mistakes and failures are terrible things. If you are succeeding one hundred percent of the time, you most likely are not performing near your potential. Granted, nobody likes mistakes. But, for a mature manager and a diligent employee, failures can be great learning experiences.

Other people and situations are responsible for my performance. Be responsible for who you are, where you are and the decisions you make. Playing the role of the victim is weak and unattractive. When you are responsible for and accountable to yourself, it is very empowering.

Mistreatment needs to be responded to in kind. Focusing on revenge and holding a grudge traps your thinking in the past. Free up your mind to think about your current and future growth. Whenever possible, forgive others and let bygones be bygones.

Eliminate these self-defeating thoughts and you will eliminate some of the hidden barriers that may be adversely affecting your performance. Without these barriers, you allow your mind to focus on your personal and professional development—right here, right now.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a phone call at 303-225-0328. There is never a charge for my consultation time, whether talking to me on the phone or in person. Yes, you read correctly, my consultation time is always free.

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